Friday 2 April 2010

How do you attract/address your audience?

The first thing you hear when our opening sequence starts is our opening music, which is upbeat and hip. This appeals to our target audience because it sounds like most of the music they listen to or are exposed to on the radio.

Our establishing shots show in and around the school this would attract our target audience because they are still on or just leaving education and would want to see why we are in a school, what is going to happen and where are going with it, so it keeps our audience wanting to carry on watching.

We have a series of cut away shot showing Ben and Tiffany’s actions across 2 different ends of the school and theses shots never reveal their identity or faces, just that one is in a wheel chair. So the audience is instantly intrigued because they want to know who they are and why cant we see their faces and why do we keep following them around the school. This will not only attract our target audience it will also attract any audience because viewers will be very curious as to why we can’t see them.

Our audience would have to prior knowledge of the genre of teen films as our opening has clear codes and convention of teen film that the audience can identify with being that it is in a school and the costume of our actors clearly shows that they are in uniform.

The themes of discrimination and bulling will interest our audience because they would want to know what Tiffany is being so nasty to Ben, what has he done to deserve it, and the audience is going to feel sympathetic for him especially because he is in a wheelchair.

Many other teen films have addressed the same themes we have in our opening sequence, like Superbad Napoleon Dynamite, and ‘Drill Bit Tailor’ which all show characters being bullied and discriminated against in their school just because they are regarded as geeks and less popular than other students. These films are all teen films, and all these films are very successful.

Our film is a teen film and it has an area of comedy in it. These two together appeal to a very wide audience because are popular genres. Teen films are very popular all over the world, this genre mainly appeals to teenagers and young adults. Comedies appeal to the vast audience because everybody loves to laugh and it is a good escape when watch a film.