Friday 2 April 2010

Who would be the target audience for your media product?

Our target audience would be people ages 10-20 years old; I have chosen this age group because this is the age where you are in and around higher and further education or just leaving it so themes and settings present in our media product they would e able to identify with easily.
They can would be of any race and ethnicity but as this is an English speaking film I think, it would be targeted mainly at a UK and US audience as they would get most of the slang and common talk that each characters has in our product.
Due to the genre and that it is not a thriller or action movie with guns and cars chases, I think the target gender would mainly be for girls as they are the ones who seem to enjoy fairy tales more as they get older as in comparison to boys, but I do think boys would enjoy our media products as they would be able to identify themselves with keys element of the narrative, because it is set in a school and it is to do with pretty girls.
The interests that our audience would have to have are an interest in their friends or lack of. They would have to have a lot of friends to identify wit the most popular characters and not a lot of friends to identify with Ben. This is because our narrative has a lot to do with friendship circles and outcasts.