Saturday 27 March 2010

American Physco

Lions Gates logo appears first straight away letting the audience Know that a big distribution company has worked with this film, rising high expectations, as this company distributes block buster type films , such as SAW.

Red liquid on a white background appears like blood but actually is a sauce for a plate of food , this could mean that looks are deciving in this film.

The music plays a very key part in this sequence as the tempo changes and new instuments are added as sonebodiew name or object appears on the screen.

A knife introduces the name Christian Bale. As his name appears first I would be apparent that he is the main character. Being that he is introduced with a knife this indicates that he is some how involved in killings due to the initial appearence of the red sauce we saw previsously.

The knife suddenly cutting the food alerts the audience and possibly gives away the genre to be some sort of horror or bloody film entialing murder.

The music along with the images is suggestive of a mind of a killer as key ingredients are coming together, this could possibly match the narrative to come.

As the food seems to come together a waiter comes along and picks it up. Then a busy resturant us introduced with a pan and the music becomes more cheery, this is a portrayal of an upperclass resturant. Then a pan of other plates shows that he isn't dining alone.

Christian Bale's character is represented as the main through the use of body language and camera shot. Most of the shots are of him or from his point of view and when the other character speak the seem to be looking to him for approval.