Tuesday 30 March 2010

Final Plot Points

1. Ben in Wheelchair , rolls over Tiffanys foot by accident she shouts at him and calls him a geek. her friends l;augh at him and she tells him to roll on.

2. there is an incident in the classroom where the people in the class make fun of ben trying to get through the gap between tables

3. Tiffany and her friends graffitti a picture of Ben on the wall , the others flee leaving Tiffany to bear all the punishment, she refuses to tell on her mates , so sh is put in book club for a month.

4. At the first meeting she doesnt want nothing to do with him , he tries to spark conversation and she makes it clear it is not be choice she is here.

(Ben has a diary which he writes in everynight about his secret love for tiffany)

5. Tiffany complains to her friends about how she is stuck in a book club run by ben who she hates and she cant stand it.

6. 2nd meeting ben brings in a magazine about Paris hiton which grabs the intrest of Tiffany, and she begings to talk to him and gets to know him abit more.

7. Tiffany is with her friedns when Ben comes passes and her friedns are laughing and giggling , making fun of him , but tiffany stays quiet.

8.Next meeting Tiffany apololgieses for her friends actions the other day, in the same meeting he reveals reason behind him being in a wheel chair.

9. Tiffany defends Ben next time when her friends are trying it, which provokes the group to question her loyalty , she respomds by agreeing to go to the dance with bret, a popular boy that likes her, to prove she feels nothing for Ben

10. Ben finds out that she is going with bret and gets upset. he starts to distance himself and because of this they argue , causeing him to storm off leaving his diary. Tiffany finds it and reads it.

11. On the night of disco Tiffany arrives at the school hall with Bret.
Benjamin is on her mind and she leaves Bret to go and find Benjamin. In Her search she finds him in the library . Dressed up for the disco but sitting in the wheel chair alone.

12. She ask him to come to the disco with her and explains she has read the diary on thier way.

13. At the disco they share a kissand everyone is amazed to see them two together. Bret makes a comment about her choosing a disabled geek over him.

14. Ben stands up and says i may be a geek but im not disabled (over course the course of the film ben has been going to phyical therpy classes helping him with walking. )