Tuesday 30 March 2010

Treatment 1

Characters : there are two main characters a boy and a girl. The girl is a symbol of artificial beauty, she is the most popular girl in the school with the best clothes and reputation.
The boy represents a complete contrast to this girl where he is classed as a geek and is in a wheel chair.

at the beginning of the narrative both of the characters hate each other as the female character constantly mocks him for how he looks and because he is in a wheel chair.
The boy doesn't like the way she embarrasses him even though he has a secret crush on her.
The boy is mainly based in the library as that is the only place he can escape the reality of school life and loves to indulge into book centred around fantasy.

The girl friends damage school property and leave her to face the music, her punishment is to attend an after school book club twice a week for a month if she want to go to the end of school dance which coincidentally is in a months time.
she agrees not know that the book club is run by the geeky boy she despises.
Upon arrival she notices that there no one in this book club but the boy and that's how it remains throughout. At the start the both do not talk to each other , but waiting for the hour to tick by so they can get back to their own worlds but over time the Begin to warm to each other by finding common ground. They start asking question and start to discover that they are more alike than they knew.
It is the last week of the detention and the dance is coming up , and the most popular boy has asked the girl out and she accepts , she asks the geeky boy if he would be attending and she prefers to read his books.

Detention is over and she doesn't have to attend no more. Its the night of the disco and she arrives with the popular boy and she is socialising with friends. Her mind then wonders to the geek and she feels guilty for how horrible she was to him and she want him there to be enjoying himself with her. She finds him in the library reading her favourite magazine and she tells him hows she feels and from now on things are going to change. The boy finally plucks the courage to express how he feels and by doing so the share a dance and kiss together which everyone sees