Thursday 25 March 2010

Sunset Boulevard

Paramount Pictures, which is a well established company so the audience ezpectations of this film are going to be high.
then we tilt down to the curb which introduces the name of the film, which represents alot of the actyion in this film will have alot ot do with the streets.
fats pace music building in suspence as we cant see nothing but credits.
"William Holden"'s name is centred and in the middle of the two other names which represents him as the key character in this film.
Other names are not as important as they appear in smaller font and larger groups.
But the directors name is very important as it appears by itself in the middle of the screen for a long period of time and it is the last name you see before the action. This represent him as very important and maybe more important that the actors which was very unusal in the 1950's.

Then the camera tilts up showing a road where a few old moto cars are led by motobikes . This is used to help establish the setting of the film of consisting of a lot of action.

The camera used is in black and white this helps the current audience I dentify with the time period of the film.

Then a narrator begings to explain what is on in the world of the film, this is used to help place the audience in the narrative and make them get into the story more.

Next there are fast pans of the cars help convey the urgencey of the scene and they hault at a house meaning that something important has happened at this place.

Then we see a high shot of a man in the swimming pool,dead, this shows that there is someone involved with alot of money as you must have been very wealthy to have a house of that size and with a swimming pool ion the 1950s.

A courrupt society is portayed through the dialouge of the narrator saying " before the hollywood typesget their hands on it , I thought you. Might like the facts first.