Thursday 25 March 2010

Spiderman 2

We are introduced to this opening by the the distribution company which is Columbia Pictures, which is a company with a great reputation of distributing blockbuster films so this will ensure the audience will have a high expectaion of this film because of its association with Columbia Pictures.

This is followed by the introduction of the Marvel logo which has been used in all marvel films such as Spiderman 1, X-men 1,2,and 3 and many other sucessful adaptaions of the marvel comics, so any fan of previous marvel films will be interested in watching this one.

A red background with white writing and also cuts inbetween filled in with blue, red and images these are the main colours of spidermans uniform and very much associated with spiderman.

Again these webcuts are used to show the names of some of the actors and Toby Miguire apppears 1st representing him as the most important perosn in the film , more than likely spiderman and most likely the USP of the whole film.

Then Kirsten Dunst name and picture appears as she is next she is represented as an important character and her picture is the only one in this whole sequence which appears in black and white , this represents her as a pure charatcer and a "see what you get type of girl" she doent appear to have any hidden depth.

Then James Franco's names appears in another web cut but he appears with an angry expression with a purple background. Purple is usually associated with power and money which is usually linked to the antagonist characters which Franco is.

Other characters names appears but are obvioulsy not as important as the 3 characters which came before them because they are not shown with a picture.

Then pictures in the stlye of comics appear on screen showing what has happened in the previous fiolm , helping the audience fit into tha narrative of the film, being shown in the style is a nice extra to the older comics fans and marvel readers.

Also throughought the whole opening the music changes , for example when spiderman appears the music seems to be more calm and when francos characters appears it seems to get more aggressive and faster pace.