Tuesday 30 March 2010

Pitch # 1

Like all of you here we have been set a task to modernise a fairy tale, we have chosen beauty and the beast.
Our narrative fits the genre of a feel good family film, but also has very similar code and conventions of a romantic comedy and a teen film.

Our film is about a boy who finds love in a girl who despises him because he is a Geek in a wheel chair. She is very popular and finds herself stuck with him through her being obligated to a book club that he runs. She ends up falling for him even though he is seen as a social mistake and ends up standing up to her friends w1hen she finally admits her feelings.

Morals are important in fairy tales because they are there to teach children life lessons such as; don’t steal / be bad ect
The moral of our fairy tale is that “true beauty lies within”.
By widening the audience to teens and adults, in most cases, we are just reminding and reinforce what they already know and in some cases we might be teaching them a new lesson.

The narrative will take the audience on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. At the beginning you may feel frustrated/ annoyed and possibly hurt to see the typical segregation of a secondary school and to see how cruel kids can really be to each other. Then you begging to feel sorry for the boy and develop ill feelings towards the girl as they continuously clash. Then feelings for the girl return to a more neutral one as the relationship between the boy and the girl start of a friendship. Then she tarts to fall for him which makes the audience happy, due to the happy ending.