Sunday 28 March 2010

Persuit of Happyness

The 2 bodies take up the left and the middle third of the frame. bright white light behind them suggest peace and happiness and innocence.

The backhround of the poster is white and it takes no attention away from the characters and aids with the contrast.

The production company is show as a gimic to help boost the reputatiuon of the film , as coloumbia pictures, is a very well established production company.

Besides the two charcters everything in this poster is in black and white, except for the word "HAPPY" which is in red. Red usually is a connotation of danger, love, anger ect, this could suggest that happyness comes at a cost but it is clear to see the love between the father and son displayed on the posters.

This poster doesnt really suggest a target audience, the only indication of a target audience is that both charcters are black and the name of the film is called the pursuit of happyness and black people are usually represented as struggling and striving to get out of their tough lives.

even though all posters do have the same job which is to sell the film visually , instead of taking the conventional route of packing the poster full with colour i think the pursuit of happyness just uses very simple methods to sell thier film and i do think they have done so sucessfully.

The conventions used in this posters link this film to a drama as it doesnt really have any bright colours or any action going on , it is very simple as mentioned previously.

There is a USP mpreset in the poster , which is will smith a very well known actor with a high repution and is high in demand for these type of films, we can see he is tyhe main figure in this poster as he is the biggest single object in the frame taking up a whole third and his name is placed above the title.