Saturday 27 March 2010

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The story structure is good although repetitive. The boy cried out 3 times and on the third noone believed him. The boy must be young and immature to repeat something bad and then in the end he pays for it. This is unusual for fairytales as it has magic and not really a happy ending but it installs very hard morals. Which are don't lie, honesty is the bed policy and liars will be called liars even when they are telling the truth.

The boy is the main character even though he isn't named, and only really changes nearer the end when he realises the full effect of what he has been doing .

This would be a great fairytale to modernise as everbody could relate to this story as everbody has told a lie once in thier life and most of the te peoples lies go unpunished so this would be a great moral to show.