Monday 29 March 2010

Superman Returns

The main colours used in this poster are red and blue. These two colours are the main colours to supermans uniform which, which we can clearly see him wearing.

We can also see Superman in the middle of the frame taking up the whole third , this clearly indicates he is the main focus of the poster even though the earth takes up the whole poster, superman is in the forground therefore more important.

There is only one key symbol used in the poster and that is the superman emblem and as superman is know all over the world it it instantly recognised and associated with him.

I believe the main target audience for this film is teenagers and young adults , and another target could be DC comic fans as superman has proved to be probably the most popular comic generated figure of all time , and fans of the comic will be enticed to watch the film. Also the young adults and teenages maybe influenced to see the film as they have grown up watching superman cratoons and possibly reading comics.

The poster gives a hint of action as a man hoveruing over the earth couldnt mean much else. But as i have said before most people know what superman is about he has been a house hold name all over the world for decades and they know if they are going to see a superman film , there is going to be shed loads of action in it.
This could be a possible reason why they didnt include much action into the film poster as they want the audience to be amazed and shocked when they see the film, i think this film uses the superman name to carry the poster more than the actual graphics which in my opinion has worked well.