Saturday 27 March 2010

Haunted Mansion

The film is introduced by Walt Disney so this automatically means that it is been aimed at a younger audience, and the target audience should be expecting very 2 dimentional charcters, with magic or fairy tale features to the film.

Then some eree music start which is meant to cause a scary atmosphere and suspense , along whihc a dark mansion which appears in a thunderstorm, which goes along with the effect of the music it is meant to stir up a scary atmosphere.

A voice in a "Transulvaninan" accent says "welcome foolish mortals" this leaves the audience expecting characters of the undead such as vampires and ghosts as they are immortal.

Then floating candles arrive to introduct the credits whihc indicates that there will be some sort of ghostly element to this film.

Then first name to be shown on the screen and the only name to be shown before the title of the film is Eddie Murphy clearly indicating that he is the key and main character and as his name appears before the name of the actual film this means that he is the USP of the film and his name is only second to the production company.

Then very large double doors open revealing a party, this is clearly set in the past due to certain objects in the mis en scene , such as the old clock , chandelier, candels,the way the characters are dressed and the stlye of the room indicate this.

Then there are several fades betwwen this party and the credits which display certain object which could link back to the narrative of the film, such as the tarrot cards dis playing lovers and the one of the lovers on the cards being tunred into ashes, this could indicate broken or tainted love.

the writing is in Gold on a black backgroound these two colours are associated with riches and evil, this again like objects may link into the narrative of the film.

then as the opening goes on we see scenes of dispare as a woman possible the wife to a man we have seen at the ball appears to have writtern a suicide note , which then is carried further but another tarrot card that comes out of a hand and is labbled death. this indicates that all these objects that we are seeing are clearly linked into the narrative of the film that we are about to see.