Tuesday 30 March 2010

Codes and conevntions

After researching alot of fairy tales and only writing about a few below i picked out many codes and conventions that are similar through out the mayjority of fairy tales which were

  • Family connections
  • Royalty
  • Death
  • Marriage
  • Quest / journey
  • Natural elements of nature
  • Helpful Characters
  • Ultimatums or a ban on action
  • Elementry colours such as gold and silver holding significant importance
  • Special Objects
  • Magic
  • Enchanted creatures
  • Human to Animal interaction
  • Mystery and secrets
  • Love - Falling in love Fast
  • Morals
  • Birth Rights / Inhertiance
  • Justice for bad deeds
  • Supernatural
  • Good vs Evil
  • Time Periods
We also noticed other ideas are not so dominant as the ones above
  • Books
  • Main characters are animals
  • Basing story on a real life situation
  • Puniments
  • Unusual relationships
  • Progressive love
  • Social Classes
The Words in bold are the Conventions and codes feautured in fairytales that i will adopt into my own modernised version as i think they are the most realistic.