Saturday 27 March 2010

Beauty and the Beast

This story flows really well with lots of problems to overcome for example the father looses all his money , meaning thire family is poor, father has to give up his daughter, the death of the beast.
The fairytale, like most, has a feel good factor about it where everything is ok in the end and all issues are resolved. Like any story but espeacially in fairy tales there are good and evil characters, in beauty and the beast Bell is represented as the good characters , the protagonist and her sisters , who use Bell's good nature against her are represented as the antagonist , the evil characters. These two elements are key in making the fairy tale sucessfull.

Several morals are taught through this fairytal, such as; dont jugde a book by its cover, beauty is only skin deep, anyone can find love , be nice to people and what goes around comes around.

The father basically stays the same throughout the narrtive , he does rub off as a bit of a failure as a father , loosing money , but at the same time wantting to buy his daughters whatever they want, we can clearly see he loves his daughters. But then he comes across as a bad father when he gives up Bell's freedom to save his on skin.

The sisters are spoiled , decietful, high maintainance and jealous throught the narrative, not much change can be noticed in them.

Bell was more like her sisters at 1st but not as bad. Being poor effected her, she knew life wasnt al about riches, more than her sisiters she knew she had to adapt , which represents her as the most wise out of the 3. Unlinke her sisters in asking for expensive things she only asks her father for a rose which consequently lead to her being the beasts indefinate companion.
She grows to love the beast, and isnt scared of him , she treats him like and equal , having daily converstaions with him and throughout the whole the story she rememebers her family.
Maybe she is too kind possibly nieve, as she is easily pursuaded by her sister another day , and in her absense the beats dies from heart ache buts she returns , keeping her promis (honest), to him.
Ad even when he is dead she shows her compassion for him and tells him she loves him and even shedding a tear which is the catalyst to his ressurection and regeneration.

This would be a good fairytale to modernise because there are certaing issues and morals that are present in this